【重要】2024年度秋学期修得科目確認(成績確認)について/ Confirmation of subjects completed (grades) in Fall Semester, 2024
経済学部・経済学研究科学生 各位
To Students of School of Economics and Graduate School of Economics,
The confirmation of Acquired Course for Fall Semester 2024 will be available on NU portal from February 18th (Tue), 9:00 am. Please check the website by yourself.
名古屋大学ポータルサイト/NU portal:https://portal.nagoya-u.ac.jp/
If you have doubts on your grade on the Acquired Course Confirmation, please submit “Grade Inquiry Sheet” attached to your email by the due date.
Please note that this case does not offer to correct the grade evaluation. Also it is not an inquiry to check the score.
Before making inquiries, make sure to thoroughly check your own participation, assignment or report submissions, exam results, and the course evaluation methods etc. described in the syllabus.
Be sure to provide specific reasons for the inquiry, not just “I attended classes,” “I took an exam,” or “I submitted an assignment.”
様式/Form:成績評価照会票(Word)/Grade Inquiry Sheet (Word)
提出期限/Submission deadline:2月20日(木)17:00/ February 20(Thu),5pm
提出方法/Submission method:メール添付にて提出/ Attach to your email
※提出先 文系教務課(経済)bun-kei@t.mail.nagoya-u.ac.jp
*Submission to: Student Affairs Division/ bun-kei@t.mail.nagoya-u.ac.jp
*Title of email: `Doubt on Grade_Course Name_Student Number_Name `
*File title of Grade Inquiry Sheet: `Doubt on Grade_Course Name_Student Number_Name `
*We won’t send you a confirmation email. Please keep the email you sent with you, just in case. If you have not heard from us by the mid-March, please contact us with email you sent.
*It may take up to a month for a faculty member to respond. Response will be confirmed at the student affairs office (Kyomu). As soon as ready, we will contact you by email.