The Economic Science, the official online journal published by the Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya Universiy, aims at publishing original contributions to Economics and Business Management.
 This journal is edited by the editorial board listed below. All articles accepted for publication in this journal appear on this page (see below), and on NAGOYA Repository.

Contact Information

Editorial office
The Economic Science
Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601 JAPAN
Phone: +81-52-789-2360/Fax: +81-52-789-4924
please replace _@_ with @

Editorial Board and Publisher

Editorial Board: YANAGIHARA, Mitsuyoshi,
Publisher: Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University
Address: Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601 JAPAN

List of The Economic Science ( Keizai Kagaku )

Eligibility for Submission

All authors and coauthors must be either:

・faculty members of the Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University,

・students in the second half of the Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University,

・graduates from the second half of the Graduate School of Economics, Nagoya University

            (including those who have terminated the program with the all-but dissertation status),

            whose home institution is not eligible for JSPS Grants-in Aid for Scientific Research applications,

・JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists whose home institution is the Graduate School

            of Economics, Nagoya University, or

・those approved by the Editorial Board.

Contact our editorial office if you are not certain about satisfying the eligibility for submission.

Guidelines for Submission

Please read Author Instructions for The Economic Sciencefor preparing the manuscript.  Application form for a refereed article, PDF, WORD; Application form for a non-refereed article, PDF, WORD; on the requirement for submission of a non-refereed article. (all files in Japanese)

1. All articles are classified to (1) research papers, (2) research trends (including raising issues,

or bibliography notes), or (3) book reviews. The Editorial Board is responsible for the decision

and request for the authorship of (2) and (3).

2. Submitted manuscripts must be type-set, and follow the page limits:

    Research papers:

A manuscript in Japanese: up to 24pages (A4 paper, 40 characters × 30 lines per page),

including the English title.

A manuscript in English: up to 40 pages (A4 paper, double space, 28 lines per page).

Each manuscript must have an English abstract (up to 200 words), and key words (4-5 phrases).

For a manuscript submitted for peer review, please attach another sheet (A4 paper) with the table of

contents and an abstract of the paper.

    Research trends (Japanese only):

up to 10 pages (A4 paper, 40 characters × 30 lines per page).

    Book Reviews (Japanese only):

up to 4 pages (A4 paper, 40 characters × 30 lines per page).

3. The Editorial Board makes the acceptance/rejection decision for submitted manuscripts for peer review,

based on the suggestion from the anonymous reviewer(s) requested by the Editorial Board.