


10/3(火)~ 10/11(水)13:00までに名大ポータル上で履修修正した科目については、
10/25(水) 9:00より、名大ポータル上から確認することが可能です。




















With regard to the revised subjects from Oct.3 to Oct. 11 on NU portal are possible to check
on NU portal also in the term from Oct.25 (Wed.) 

If you still have any correction after confirming the status of registration, please apply as follows.

【How to submit】

If you want to add/delete the subject in Economics

1.Please print out “Registration Correction Form” and input requirements in the frame.
2.Please submit to bun-kei@adm.nagoya-u.ac.jp by email attached it.
 ※ The title of email has to be “Correction registration_student ID_Your name”.

【Submission Deadline】

October 27 (Fri.) by 17:00
※ This correction will be reflected on NU portal on/after Nov. 9 (Thu.)  
    Please check without any failure.

【Application form】

Please use the application forms of school that you add/delete the subject does not school you belong to.




・It is not completed to register only to ask academic advisor to add/delete.
※Please confirm the registration status on NU portal without any failure.

・With regard to Liberal Art and Sciences and subject of school of Natural Sciences, 
please check home pages of each belonging schools.

・This correction is the final and never correct after this time.

・There is no qualification to take test if there is no registration for lectures.

・The 3rd grade students of Economics have to check again the registration failure, or the registration code mistaken
for “Seminar on EconomicsⅠ” or” Seminar on ManagementⅠ” and the 4th grade students of Economics also
have to check again as to “Graduation Thesis Research on EconomicsⅠ” or “Graduation Thesis Research on ManagementⅠ”.

・Graduate students have to register the academic advisor’s seminars of your own.